Board Information

The City Council has both legislative and executive powers. The council is charged with the power and duty to make decisions for the municipality while the mayor is charged with the duty of executing those decisions. The concurrence of a majority of the aldermen is necessary for the passage of an ordinance or proposal which expends or appropriates money. The City Council shall consist of the Mayor elected at large, who shall hold office for four years, and four aldermen, two elected from each ward, who shall hold office for three years.
Frequency of Meetings:
1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, except when Tuesday is a legal holiday, and in that case, the meeting shall be held on another specified date. Meetings may be held on other specific dates or places as set by the Mayor with the majority vote of the City Council.

Are Members Allowed to Call into Meetings:

Contact Info:
605-743-5872 /

Mission Statement: